
Plus Size Women Wearing Dress With Black Side Panels

The Plus Size Woman: Put-Together, Attractive, Feminine Dressing, A young woman, elegantly curved, in a classy coral summertime dress.

Our dear friend Johanna coined a phrase that has stuck with us (we love it!), and now we think of our plus size friends as 'elegantly curved'! We have many beautiful, elegantly-curved friends created by God, each wonderfully and fearfully made.

As I get older and undergo the inevitable changes in my body and shape, I findit is harder to find beautifully-fitting, classy, but modest clothes for less. Still, I desire to make modesty and femininity attractive instead of frumpy, so I persevere. At whatever age we are, we must still discover for ourselves what it means to represent the Lord as His ambassadors to the world.

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Modest, Feminine Dressing for the Plus Size Woman

I keep my eye out for clothing I feel is tasteful in a variety of circumstances. Below is my compilation of many femininely beautiful (and modest) REAL plus size WOMEN from all walks of life in no particular order at all:

plus sizes

Put together and gorgeous:

My daughter has discovered the company eShakti, a company that wasdesigned especially for the plus size woman.

eShakti dresses

Not only do they stock sizes up to 6X or 36W, but they will also take your measurements and create a dress specifically for you. As if that's not enough, you can also customize the dress by adding sleeves, changing hem length or neckline!

eShakti dresses

eShakti dresses

The few eShakti dresses above serve to illustrate how a dress emphasizing the following traits should be visually slimming:

  • Black and darker hues (white enlarges; black shrinks)
  • A-line skirts and waist lines without gathers and defined waists
  • Skirts with fullness, ruffles, or details along the hem (see a few examples above)
  • Patterns like polka dots, small prints, and diagonal stripes (chevron, plaid, etc.)
  • Vertical color blocking, not horizontal, like the black dress just above with the dark green stripe down the middle of the front (second row, second from the left)

wave in summertime,

Plus-size dressing doesn't have to make you feel stuck and sad. Comparing your beautiful self to someone else NOT yourself can be paralyzing and is a lie from the evil one to make us focus on self instead of the many blessings around us! These are for IDEA purposes only!

women's sizes

women's sizes

I think her disposition must be as sunny as the bright colors she wears.

 curvy girl

(source) Personally, I'd like to see a beige slip instead of black.

This is my lovely friend Ellyn. She uses colors effectively and does not try to be overly trendy in her fashion, but the vital assets that draw others to her are her others-focused joy in the Lord and her warm personality and genuine smile…just like her dear mother, I might add!

I love this simple understated style for versatility! She can wear it almost anywhere and look and feel put-together!

Isn't this just like the gown Kate Middleton wore?

This pink and grey combo in plus size separates is super cute. Lots of color and pretty, eye catching details.

You can also follow my Feminine & Modest Fashion Pinterest Board. It is my most followed board!

Ah, I LOVE this quote:

"What is beauty?

"Some say beauty fits in a size 0. Some say beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Some say beauty is only skin deep. Some say beauty is only a quality of the heart. Some say beauty is truth. Some say beauty is a lie. Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some say beauty is as beauty does. Some say Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelly are beautiful. Some say everyone is beautiful. Some say beauty is divine. Some say beauty is corrupting.

"From all this confusion, one idea emerges clearly: The world knows beauty matters…

"It's time to take beauty back. When faced with an industry that runs on Photoshop airbrushing, plastic surgery, starvation diets, grotesque catwalk styles, and billions of squandered dollars, … it's time for our response to be, "Get your flag out of our ground." It's time for us to be a light in a culture that uses beauty as a weapon against God. It's time for God's ambassadors to make His principles – such as modesty and femininity – look as beautiful as they really are."  ~Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin

The Plus Size Woman: Put-Together, Attractive, Feminine Dressing

You are beautiful! Let your light shine!!

(Note: We do not earn an affiliate commission for providing you with these links).

The Plus Size Woman: Put-Together, Attractive, Feminine Dressing, A beautiful curvy girl in a coral chiffon summertime dress.

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